Package-level declarations
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open class Config @JvmOverloads constructor(identifier: Identifier, val subfolder: String = "", val folder: String = identifier.namespace, val name: String = identifier.path) : Walkable, Translatable
Base Config class for use with FzzyConfig
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class ConfigAction @JvmOverloads constructor(titleSupplier: Supplier<Text>, activeSupplier: Supplier<Boolean>, pressAction: Runnable, decoration: Identifier, description: Text? = null, background: Identifier? = null) : EntryWidget<Any> , EntryFlag, Translatable
Builds a button that will appear in a Config GUI, to perform some arbitrary, possible non-config-related action
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Holds a config and any applicable secondary flags and their associated information
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open class ConfigSection : Walkable, EntryDeserializer<ConfigSection> , EntrySerializer<ConfigSection> , EntryKeyed, Translatable
A section of a Config